Sigh, I've avoiding making journal entries, since I really haven't felt the need to add any more depressing entries to the mix.
Nothing really big has happened in since the last update. Its just been the standard mix of work, work, and some hanging with friends.
I've been going to the gym a little more regularly, although I hate going alone and Aaron (
radi0actv) hasn't been the most reliable workout partner. I shouldn't complain everyone is busy; I should just go by myself.
Lately I've been dreaming more (or as some would insist, remembering it more often). Mostly they have been benign, but a few nights ago I had a disturbing dream. I was coding (okay, no surprise there), and I was about to delete a file from a directory, leaving one file left. I couldn't do it, I kept thinking that poor lonely file, what would it do? I finally deleted the file and the computer started to buzz. But in reality it wasn't the computer, it was my alarm clock. I hate how my dreams and real life merge like that, it makes it so confusing and disorienting when I get up.
So the dream was just another manifestation of being lonely. Its not the lack of friends or even sex. It's the lack of a real close relationship with someone. Oh well, when the time is right, and the guy is right, it will happen.
So to end on a positive note, my project (PIER) got some press today, about one column inch in the
New York Times.