So it all started Monday evening (SF Time) when I ran to the BART station to meet Boon and get over to SFO. The new international terminal at SFO was very nice, but empty. After passing up $400 cash (or $800 in travel vouchers) to take a later flight (surprise, surprise they overbooked the flight) everything went smoothly.
The flight cross the Atlantic to Munich was boring at best. I was unable to do much work on the plane since my laptop had no power, the battery in this thing lasts about 10 minutes, and power outlets are only available in Business or First class. So I thought I could at least get some reading done, but alas, everyone around was sleeping and my light seemed to disturb them so I was nice and turned it off.
After arriving in Munich, I breezed through Passport control, stamping my passport for the first time ever. Interesting, no one asked to see my backpack or anything. Mind you, it has only been search by SFO security for weapons/etc. I then had two goals, check email and find some Euros. The first part was easy; Vodafone (which is part of Verizon) was giving away free wireless Internet as part of test service. Finding Euros was much harder, all the conversion places where closed. No problem, I'll get some later.
After a couple more hours we arrive in Berlin. Pick up our luggage minutes after we get off the plane (the conveyor belt for luggage is right next to the gate). We head for the International sign of help the box labeled “I". After a quick talk with the nice lady, she showed us which bus then train we needed to take. Boon used the local ATM machine to get some Euros, I decided to wait to find a better conversion deal (he got 1 Euro for $1.41, actual rate is about $1.20). We make it to the hotel and crash.
Wednesday morning we head to the conference. The morning keynote was alright, IBM marketing basically. Afterwards I attended some streaming query talks which were very good. If you really are interested, I have summaries. Then headed to lunch at the Opernpalais Café (everyone was calling it the Opera House Café), the lunch was awesome. Had some smoked fish, samon (yes Aaron
radi0actv, lots of samon, and some some chicken. For dessert there was an apple pastry with custard sauce… hmmm. Unfortunately, finding water is very difficult. Or at least water ‘without gas' is. When I asked staff, they looked at me funny, and said, only “gassy water served here."
Afterwards I decided it was time to get some Euros. I asked the conference staff where the nearest ATM was. He looked at me confused. Automatic Teller Machine. Still confused. So I took out my bank card and said machine that gives you money. Still confused. He asks another person to help me. They realize what I want, and show the direction. The ATM didn't like me, “The authorisation [sic] centre is unavailable".
After calming down from this frustration I decide to play hooky and skip the afternoon sessions. I just didn't feel like going and was not going to learn anything. I'm too stressed about my talk and just worn out. So Berlin here I come. Oh wait I don't have any Euros! I try another ATM on the way back to the hotel, same problem. I call up Citibank and demand a reason why. The ATM has the Cirrus and Mastercard logos, which means I *should* be able to money. They have no explanation other than suggest I go to a Citibank ATM. Ok, how do I get to one of those. No help, but gave me a list of options. I ask the hotel staff and they point in the right direction. I get finally get my Euros (and 1 Euro for Adric (LJ USER="vintagebanana").
Its getting late, I've wasted the entire afternoon wandering around Berlin looking for a freaking Citibank ATM. On my way back on Schoenhauser Allee I pass an interesting location, the windows are blue and it says, “Videos, Leisure, Crusing". It also has a rainbow sticker. I'll put that on the list of places to check out later. Everyone keeps telling me to get a German boy, and that they are right, there are tons of hotties around here. In fact on the plane from Munich to Berlin I found the perfect guy for Andrew
eomsam. He was about the same height, blond, blue eyes, well-groomed, extraordinary cute. But the kicker is, he was reading “N-Zone" which at first I wasn't sure what that was, but I saw the picture of Zelda (or Links) on the cover, I knew it was the German edition of Nintendo Power. A perfect match for Andrew, unfortunately, I don't think I can bring him home past customs.
Anyway, got back to the hotel, Boon and I find some food, nothing special everything is already closed. We chat about research for a good long while, and eventually I begin to practice on my talk. YanLie interrupts and wants to practice her talk which is on the next day. An hour later it's time for bed.
This morning I slept in late reading papers and missed the morning sessions, it was anything interesting. Came to the conference site for lunch, Lamb Knuckle, potatoes, carrots, and apple fritters (with custard sauce again). Went to the afternoon sessions, which lead me to now. I'm really beginning to panic over my talk tomorrow morning. I'm really worried… deep breathes. This is going to be a controversial talk. Oh well, it will be over in 22 hours.
Stayed tune for Part II.