Jan 01, 2005 17:15
Bruises fade but the pain remains the same...
I truly hate when ppl say “Time heals all wounds”...fuck you, it does not
Little things may not matter, but things that truly “wound” you , do not go away. They move deeper and you are able to go through days without thinking about them, and then think about them without crying or throwing fists, and so on.. But they do not go away... even if you forgive ppl who hurt you and make amends with life... its still there in your subconscious... you still get this ache in your heart when you think about it...
“Bruises fade but the pain remains the same”. Just because youre not outwardly upset doesnt mean youre not still hurting... geez....common sense!
It pisses me off when ppl do something hurtful to another person, then after a while act like it doesnt matter or that they’re “friends” again, act like they can just resume their original role in that persons life...Thats it’s okay...NO
I’m not really sure where this outburst is from... I was just listening to a few songs and got kind of pissed off in general but this little tangent can be applied to many ppl in my life... my mother, certainly my father, my aunts and grandmother (in relation to my father, trying to make me forgive and forget, over my dead body), friends who I’m forgiven (because I felt bad not to) but still feel hurt by... and so on....
If you ever do something outwardly wrong to someone, don’t ask to me forgiven, or act like they shouldnt care anymore after time goes by... You’re the asshole... don’t put the person YOU hurt in the position of a rock and hard place.... make them feel like the jackass for not forgiving you when they SHOULDNT anyway...geez
Alright I’m done for now... Once I get myself started on something it’s hard to stop!