
Apr 25, 2005 16:03

[Name] Megan
[Sex] Female.
[School] Carmel High School.
[Sign] Scorpio
[State] New York.
[Exact Location] In Front of my computer.

[Current Date] April 25th, 2005.
[Current Time] 4:04pm

[Clothes] florida shirt and jeans
[Weather] Its rainy and and cold
[Hair Do] down and straightened
[Footwear] entines
[Mood] shocked

[Talking To] nobody at the moment

[Sounds] jess's tv show
[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y]
[Cups On Desk] 0



[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y] [t][i][m][e][s] [p][e][r] [d][a] [y] [d][o] [y][o][u]
[Change Clothes] 2
[Brush Your Teeth] 3.
[Brush Your Hair] Way too many to count.  Lol.
[Eat] lol idk

[Say the Word "ok"]lol idk
[Yell at Your Siblings] lol i have no friggen idea

[Slam Doors] Depends if I get pissed off.

[h][a][b][i][t][s] [(do you)]
[Procrastinate] Yes.
[Stress] Yes.
[Take out Your Issues On Others] Sometimes.
[Self Injure- (ex: cut, burn, pull hair)] No.
[Have an Eating Disorder] No.
[Tend to Judge People] no

[for a million bucks ] [(would you)]
[Name Your Kid Dammit] No.
[Strip For Your Classmates] lol maybe;)

[Shave Your head] No.
[Wax Off Your Eyebrows] No.
[Wax An Old man's Back] Yes.
[Sit In a Cage With 4 Hungry Wolves] No way.
[Eat A Snake] Ew.
[Swim With The Jelly Fish] Ouch, no way
[Make Out With Your Teacher] If they were hot..

[Strip At a School Pep Assembly] no

[Stand up In Class And Flip Your Teacher The Bird] Yes.

[a][l][m][o][s][t] [o][v][e][r]
[Why Did You Take This Survey] Putting off doing my homework.
[What's The Time Now] 4:10pm
[What Are You Doing After This] idk maybe my hw
[Bye!] Adios.

The Average Day..
Starts at ____ o' clock.: 5:30...for school.
First thing I think when I wake up is: Fucking school starts way too early.
The first thing I usually do is..: Turn on the straightner.
If I eat breakfast, it's usually..: cereal

I get in the shower no later than..: I take one the night before or i guess 5 30

I wash my ____ first.: hair

And I wash my ____ last.: body

I'm usually on the computer by..: Around 2-3 when I get home. or sometimes around 4 -5 after drivers ed
If I leave the house, I'm going to..: School, or to hang out w. my friends
I eat lunch by ____ o' clock.: i have no idea when i eat lunch, the schedule is just so combined together , i don't know when i have lunch only that its 7th period

For lunch, I usually eat//drink..: Water..and whatever I feel like.
It usually takes me ____ to get ready.: idk
I usually spend _____ on the computer.: Depends.

As For Today..

I woke up at..: 5 30
have eaten..: cereal,water and the schools disgusting pizza and fries

I have gone to..: schol and drivers ed

I've been on the computer for..: A while.
I have been to these websites --:,
I wish I was..: Out somewhere with friends or in Ireland..

I plan on waking up at..: the shity 5 30 school day morning

Spend my day doing..: Homework and dishes

Talking to..: My friends.
Listening to..: Music.
Thinking of..: People, things,
Laughing about..:idk
Getting angry about..: idk
If You HAD To Choose..

Having the flu, or having a cold?: Cold.
Piercings all over your face, or piercings `everywhere` else?: Ewww i guess the 2nd one
Failing a class, or getting suspended?: suspended

Having to sit in a tub of snakes, or having to eat a tub of snakes?:
Sit..i hate snakes
Eating a super-moldy peach, or drinking a glass of super-spoiled milk?:
Dying, or losing your memory?: Die.
Going schitzo or being a mass murderer?: hmmm lol......i don't think i can pick one of those
PMSing for the rest of your life, or getting your period everyday?: PMS'ing
for the rest of my life.

Have You Ever..

Been stood up?: No.
Had your Wisdom Teeth removed?: No.
Played an instrument, and sucked at it?: Yes. I couldn't play the flute for
my life in elementary school.
Seen a UFO?: No.
Pulled an all-nighter?: Yes.
Been drunk?: yes
Been high?: No.
Been giving a speeding ticket?: no
Eaten octopus or squid?: Yes eww
Been to a play?: Yes.
Gone surfing?: No, I want to though.
Snowboarding?: yes
Kissed someone of the same sex?: No.
Kissed someone of the opposite sex?: yes
Been in a real castle?: Yes.
Had an eating disorder?: No.
Been in a car accident?: No.

How Many..

Piercings do you have?: 3 but i want more though
Tattoos do you have?: none...yet
Pets do you have?: 1

People live in your house?:6

Rings you're wearing?: 0
People you have dated?: 5.
People you've actually loved?: 1 sort of.

What's Your Favorite..

Color(s)?: blue and red

Cereal?: Honey nut Cheerios,and many other kinds
Pajama's?: Anything Comfy.
State?: New York, florida,georgia, North Carolina.
Movie?: head over heals,taxi, The Notebook.
TV show?: o.c American Idol.
Disney movie?: u can't put a favorite on disney movies

Video//PC game?: Simsand ssx3
Way to spend a Saturday?: With my friends or family or just sleeping and
being lazy.
Class in school?: free.
Ice cream flavor?: Chocolate.
Candy?: Twix, Three Musketers.
Lollipop flavor?: any kind except grape.
Teacher?: Mrs. Blum and Ms. powers.
Teacher you have a crush on right now?: none

What If..

You could go on vacation anywhere. Where would you go?: Ireland
You could change your eye color. What would you change it to?: I already
like my eye color...but if I had to maybe a blue or green eyes
You could meet any two celebrities. Who would you meet?: Just two? Lol. I wouldn't be able to do that.
You could kickass at any sport. Which one would you pick?: Basketball or
You could date any teacher in your school. Who would you wanna date?: Mr.
Nordt. Lol.
About Your Personality..

Shy or outgoing?: Depends on who I'm around, but more outgoing.
Do you laugh a lot?: Yes.
How can someone tell your laugh isn't fake?: They can just tell.
Do you get annoyed easily?: sometimes
Do you complain a lot?: no...well i don't think so
Do you have a few close friends, or just friends?: A few close friends, and
lot of just friends.
Do you get jealous easily?: Yes.
Do you cry a lot?: nope
Do you cry during movies?: sometimes.
Do you raise your hand in class a lot?: No.
Do you enjoy loud parties with a bunch of your friends?: Yeah.
Do you prefer double dates, or `alone` dates?: Either.

In The Last Week Have You..

Eaten pizza?: Yes.
Eaten chinese food?: No.
Made out?: yes
Thrown up?: yes thanxs to my sis.
Gone hot tubbing?: yes
Went shopping?: Yes.
Taken a test or quiz?: No, Spring Break :)
Gone to the doctors?: No.
Gone to the dentist?: No.
Seen a movie?: Yes.
Which one?: fever pitch.
Got into a big fight with a friend?: No.
Who?: --
Got into a big fight with a close friend?: Nope don't think so.

Random Questions..

Where were you on Halloween?: Out with friends.
What are you doing this weekend?: idk
Are you in a fight with any of your friends right now?: No.
What's your screen name?:yellowducky1988
What's your favorite name for a girl?: idk
For a boy?sean
Do you have your own computer?: yes but it suxs.
Do you like to watch really scary movies?: Yes.
When's the next birthday party you're going to?: idk
Do you have braces?: yes but getting them off in june.
What color do you want to dye you hair?: i already highlighted , i like it the way it is now
Have you ever cried over a teacher before?: No.
Are you gay?: No.
________________________________________ _________
[ ] I am bisexual or homosexual.
[x ] I've run away from home.
[x] I have lied to my parents about where I am.
[ ] I listen to political music.(even country music is political)
[ ] I collect comic books.
[x] I shut others out when I'm depressed.
[x] I open up to others easily.
[x] I am keeping a secret from the world.
[x] I watch the news.
[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[ ] I own an iPod or MP3 player
[ ] I own something from Hot Topic
[x] I love Disney Movies.
[x] I am a sucker for hair/eyes.
[ ] I don't kill bugs.
[x] I curse randomly.
[ ] I paid for that cell phone ring.
[ ] I am a sports fanatic.
[ ] I have one x in my screen name.
[ ] I have multiple x's in my screen name.
[x] I've slipped out an AIM word [lol, brb, etc.] in a real conversation. =
[ ] I love Spam.
[x] I bake well.
[x] I would wear pajamas to school.
[ ] I own something from Abercrombie.
[ ] I have a job.
[ ] I love Martha Stewart.
[ ] I am in love with love.
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[x] I am self-conscious.
[x] I like to laugh.
[ ] I smoke a pack a day.
[ ] I loved Perks of Being a Wallflower.
[ ] I loved Go Ask Alice. (even though it's not really a journal, it was
still a good book)
[ x] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[x ] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem
[ ] I eat fast food weekly.
[x] I have many scars.
[x] I've been out of this country.
[x] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room
[x] I am really ticklish.
[ ] I see a therapist.
[x] I love white chocolate.
[ ] I bite my nails.
[ ] I am comfortable with being me.
[x] I play video games.
[ ] Gotten lost in my city.
[ x] Saw a shooting star
[x] Been to any other countries besides the united states
[ ] I Had a serious Surgery
[x] Gone out in public in your pajamas
[ ] Kissed a Stranger
[x] Hugged a stranger
[x] Been in a fist fight
[ ] Been arrested
[x] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator
[ ] Made out in an elevator
[x] Swore at your parents
[x] Kicked a guy where it hurts
[Maybe] Been close to love
[ ] Been to a casino
[ ] Been skydiving
[x] Broken a bone
[ x] Skipped school
[x] Flashed someone
[ ] Saw a therapist
[ ] Done the splits
[ x] Played spin the bottle
[ ] Gotten stitches
[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
[x] Bitten someone
[ ] Been to Niagara Falls
[x] Gotten the chicken pox

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