
Jun 20, 2008 19:37

I just finished my first week of camp and all I can say is wow. I am in and out of the water every half an hour with the kids and lifeguarding the rest and it goes by so freakin quickly! I have three different groups of kids: second graders who can swim and do strokes, but not that well, first graders who don't know how to swim at all, and kindergardeners who can't swim strokes but can doggy paddle with verying degrees of success.

The kids are great and our lessons go by so quickly that in a week, it really doesn't feel like I've taught them anything. There is so much I want to teach them, and I know exactly what each of them needs to change in order to be able to swim, but it's so hard for them to learn! It's like learning how to walk or something... in that they are trying and they can understand what i'm telling their bodies to do, but they just can't relay the message. I really want to be able to give them all these skills I dont even think about anymore. and it's weird to think that one of the reasons I'm such a good swimmer is probably because of all those swim instructors at camp. I never realized it before, but even though my mother taught me how to swim, they taught me how to swim well and everything is different because of that. I couldn't have swum competatively if they hadn't polished my swimming. Wow. And thank you, even though I can't remember any of your names.

I just hope I can give these kids the same opprotunnities that I had.

(I'm sleeping in our castle Dr. C. meet me in the rosegardens)
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