Back in the city of angels

Aug 03, 2007 09:45

So I was driving down Vine (in hollywood for all you non LA-ins) at like midnight last night and stopped at a red light. The car next to me was filled with drunk guys and one leaned out a HUGE muscly arm and was like, "Hey, do you like muscles?" I don't. so i said as much. SO he goes, "do you like brains? " "Yes, they're better" So then he asks me out  and I say i have a girlfriend to which he says he's a doctor at UCLA, as if that would change anything! so then the light FINALLY turns green and off we go....only to meet at the NEXT light. Now a lovely gentleman number 2 comes to the window and asks Courtney and I (I was driving her home) why we dont want a big well muscled penis in our asses....yeah, change it to second person and that's a direct quote! so then i respond by saying, "Unlike you, our G-spots are not in our asses. Have fun drinking and driving!" yeah and then we got caught at another light but they jus talked about the fact that i was drivng a prius..

Why do men have to be such ignorant ass holes? What is it about trying to get a girl that brings out the best and VERY worst in them??
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