I have my Secured Transactions exam today in about two and a half hours. Am I ready? Not really. Do I understand Secured Transactions? Not really. But after today, I won't have to think about it again (until the bar exam). I am really worried about the Wills exam. I really hate that it is closed book. The two other closed book law school exams I have taken have been two of my worst grades (Contracts and Property). I guess I will leave around 11:30 or 12:00 and stop for Caribou coffee and maybe some soup from Panera.
Since I couldn't sleep last night, I made a few icons. Just 4, but that's more than I have made in months.
Edit: After the a terrible exam, I made 5 more icons. My head hurts. I am going to make some more icons during winter break. I forgot how much fun it is.