Queen Amidala Tutorial

Feb 07, 2007 21:59

I had a request from someone at sw_lims for a tutorial for
. I didn't save the .psd file when I made the icon, but I tried to recreate it in my super boring class this afternoon and I think I came close - the original was slightly lighter and softer (I think I had slightly differet settings and maybe a few other (hue/saturation, photo filter and levels) adjustment layers).

Go from this to this:
Using PS CS, Selective Color, Curves.

Step 1.
Crop image to 100 x 100.

Step 2.
Auto Levels, Auto Contrast, Auto Color (Sometimes auto color looks weird, so I go to edit --> fade auto color and play with the blending options and opacity until I am happy with the way it looks. In this case, I put it on soft light ~50%. The other one I use fairly often is screen.)

Step 3
Duplicate base twice (or as many times as you think it needs. You can always add more or take away later as needed.). Set to screen. Play with the opacities and fills until you like the look.

Step 4
Color Balance Adjustment Layer (Basically, just move around until you like th color. You can always change the numbers in color balance if you don't like the look. It's different for every icon.) I wanted to emphasize the red in Padme's outfit, but not make her face any color other than white, so I chose these settings.

Blend mode: Normal Opacity: 100%

Midtones: +40 -29 +100
Shadows: +33 -10 +5
Highlights: -28 -18 -56

Step 5
Curves Adjustment Layer
Blend mode: Normal Opacity: 100%
(Again, these points should be adjusted to correspond with your image.)
These are the settings I jused:
RGB - 3 points
Point 1: Input 18 Output 0
Point 2: Input 53 Output 50
Point 3: Input 89 Output 100

Red - 2 points
Point 1: Input 22 Output 20
Point 2: Input 72 Output 77

Blue - 3 points
Point 1: Input 65 Output 80
Point 2: Input 38 Output 51
Point 3: Input 66 Output 80

Step 6
Selective Color Adjustment Layer
Blend mode: Normal Opacity: 100%
(Like with everything else, these settings should be adjusted to correspond with your image.)
These are the settings I jused:
Reds: C -100 M -60 Y -22 B +100
Greens: C -100 M 0 Y 0 B -100
Magentas: C -39 M 0 Y 0 B +46
Whites: C -100 M -50 Y -100 B -100
Neutrals: C -29 M -32 Y +50 B -24
Blacks: C -17 M 0 Y 0 B +27

Step 7
Create new layer (control + shift + n), merge all layers (control + shift + alt + e), set to either multiply or soft light, adjust the opacity and fill as needed until the image looks bright, but has depth (not blurry).

(Opional Step 7 - Photo Filter Adjustment Layer - either warming or cooling, opacity between 30-50, blending mode: normal)

The end! You could flatten your layers and save, but I never bother to do that. I don't see a difference in the icons to do it or not do it.

Another alternative is sharpening some of her face on the multiply layer to make it stand out. Also, you can smooth her cheeks using the blur tool. I don't recommend using the sharpening filter at all because these color adjustments make the image seem naturally sharp already. I have a really strong preference for over-sharpened icons (I know, I know, it's sacreligious, but I love them!), but sharpening using this coloring will make it really, really sharp. Even too sharp for me. ;)

When I make icons, I usually test different adjustment layers and just mess around with the settings until I like the look I get. I don't use a lot of text/brushes/gradients and do use a lot of adjustment layers.

Icons made using this style:

I hope this tutorial is helpful to some people. :)
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