May 07, 2004 03:00
1. Your Name?
2. Your Age?
3. What is your biggest pet peeve?
4. Do you go to school, work, or both?
5. Tattoos? If so, how many?
6. Piercings? If so, how many?
7. Democratic, Republican, 3rd party, or don't care?
8. Do you drink? If so, favorite drink?
9. Do you smoke? If so, what kind?
10. Do you do any drugs? If so, what kind?
11. What do you mostly eat?
12. Religion?
13. Favorite band/bands?
14. How do you view yourself sexually?
15. Are you generally confident, or self conscious?
16. What style of clothing do you feel the most comfortable in?
17. Have you ever been arrested? if so, why?
18. How many accidents have you been in? how many were your fault?
19. Do you like to go out a lot, or stay home more?
20. Family- good/bad?
21. Any pets? if so, what?
22. Death Penalty- for or against?
23. Do you think Jack Kevorkian should be in jail?
24. How tall are you?
25. What color are your eyes?
26. Ever had a major surgery? if so, what?
27. Do you get sick a lot?
28. Are you an honest person, or do you "stretch the truth" a lot(like the ones who do are gonna say it, haha)?
29. Season- Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter?
30. Is your appearance important to you?
31. Favorite color?
32. Favorite composer?
33. Favorite actor/actress?
34. Favorite movie/movies?
35. Favorite food?
36. What was your first impression of me?
37. Was it accurate?
38. Does anything remind you of me? If so, what?
39. How well would you say you know me?
40. Has there ever been something you wanted to tell me, but couldn't?
41. Post a picture that you think best displays what you look like-
Finally (optional):
Ask me any question you want, and I will answer it completely honestly.