Nov 20, 2006 22:23
I was walking in a park with someone very unique when they asked me
"Do you write?"
Alas i had to say no. For a long time now i haven't written and this journal used to be my place for such personal thoughts. I remember why i originally stopped writing here. There became a whole lot of people that i didn't want glancing into my subconscious. There of course many people on here that i do like hearing what i have to say. But there was one or 2 that i was really scared of sharing my writings with. That was the beginning of the end of my writings...
Also, i like to think that the trip to ireland was a big reason why i don't use this site anymore, but having not read my journal lately i have no idea if this is accurate...hmm..
Anyway, the walk was one of the most spiritually satisfying walks i've had in a long while. There were ups and downs of course, but it was full of the essence of Autumn, and i really enjoyed my time lying in the leaves and commenting on the Japanese artistry.
I'd say i'm about 5 times in, with some great memories but lots of uncertainty at the moment. 4 years is a long long time and i don't know if i've got what it takes to keep it together. Gotta keep my head up high, and believe that the quarterlife crisis is behind me and the future is bright.
It all goes back to my Irish pub Karma experience, and if i haven't written about that here yet i'll have to soon! Yep i am starting to write AGAIN!