SPN: 7x02 Hello Cruel World

Oct 09, 2011 02:03

OK a week late but it's still better late then never. XD

7x02- So Cas is gone but I'm sure he will come back, don't know how the writers will do it but I really think Cas will be brought back some how. The Leviathans are really freaky but I think they will be pretty awesome baddies for the boy's to fight against. It was also nice seeing Sheriff Mills again too, glad Bobby got her out in time.

I loved all the Sam and Lucifer scene's. Mark is just such a amazing actor and I'm so glad he's back. Sam just broke my heart, I mean just the look in his eye's when he tells Dean "That's what he says about you." ;A;

Also another great scene where Dean reaches out to Sam and we find out that Lucifer is just a  fragment of Sam's memory. When Lucifer vanished I didn't want him to go. XD

Bobby's house is gone!! I can't believe it!! Also glad Lucifer isn't gone. ;)

Another brillent episode.

+ Sam/Lucifer scene's
+ Sam/Dean scene
+ Leviathans
+ Lucifer coming back
+ Sheriff Mills


- Bobby's house burning down.

Will review 7x03 tomorrow, I really need to sleep. e-e

7x02, cas, welcome, sleep, livejournal, lucifer, sam, spn, bobby, jensen, spn season 7, tv, jared padalecki, supernatural, 7th season, dean

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