Bye Bye Carver

May 14, 2016 22:06

Jeremy Carver is stepping down as showrunner to focus on his new series, Frequency, so Bob Singer and Andrew Dabb are taking his place as co-showrunners starting in s12!

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jessm78 May 15 2016, 19:46:59 UTC
I just heard this yesterday! Carver sucked, I really hope Dabb and Singer do a better job. I like Dabb's stuff and he seems to treat Sam well but some people are saying that Singer is a Destiel/Cas fan?


yellowbulma May 18 2016, 01:08:26 UTC
Sorry about the late reply!!!

See I heard Dabb is a Dean fan and Singer likes Dean/Jensen better too which makes me worry that after s11 as been so much better to Sam/Sam!Girls we will go back a step.

Well Singer did make Sera bring Castiel back in S7 BUT he as told the destihellers on Twitter that Destiel isn't a thing. So I really don't know. *edit Singer is the one that wanted Charlie killed off so that's a big plus for him in my book. XD

BTW just this moment found out Jenny Klein another spn writers is leaving and this one I'm upset about cause she get's Sam and Dean and wrote Just My Imagination. One of the best ep's in years.

Sigh fingers crossed for S12


imaginingjarpad December 1 2016, 07:26:18 UTC
are you still in the fandom after these first few eps of season 12? it's off to a bad start :;(


yellowbulma December 1 2016, 15:14:18 UTC
Yes hon and being honest I'm not feeling it as much as S11.

Not really liking the mum drama and still waiting for Mary and Sam to actual have a talk about the demon blood/YED. So far she's only talked to Dean about Sam and yeah not good enough.

Also HATE that bitch Toni and what she did to Sam and how she got away with it and will most likely be working with the boy's again cause Sam always as to work with his abusers. Cole, Lucifer etc etc.

I did like 12x06 and 12x04 but the next couple of ep's 12x07 and 12x08 the side characters are back, Crowley/Castiel. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

The BMOL need to fuck off


imaginingjarpad December 2 2016, 20:29:51 UTC
It's sad because I know some people hate the new writers so much, that they would rather have Carver back. Pretty pathetic :( I just want old spn back. Last nights episode was pretty boring, but there was a little brotherly scene, at least.

And yeah, I thought it was pretty ridiculous when Sam was tortured for all those hours and we didn't even get a bro hug, but we got a deancas one earlier uGhhh

I guess it's just sad to see people leave the fandom,maybe it'll start looking up soon? Hopefully :)


yellowbulma December 8 2016, 17:54:01 UTC
Oh no way do I want Carver back!!!! Never in a million years!!

S12 is amazing BUT it;s no where near as bad as the start of S8 or the whole of S10 so thats a huge plus.

I still think the new show runners are doing better the Carver did.


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