SIGNAL BOOST!! Saving Supernatural - A Fangirl Business

Nov 01, 2014 18:21

Originally posted by wings128 at SIGNAL BOOST!! Saving Supernatural - A Fangirl Business
Originally posted by milly_gal at Saving Supernatural - The Fangirls' Business

Just found out thanx to fanspired (thank you) that the United Kingdom fans have been informed that we won't be getting our DVD pre-orders for Season 9 Supernatural until at least March 2015, or possibly as late as November 2015.


It's bad enough SPN is hardly getting shown on TV here, now we have to wait month's for the DVD's? Nope not happening.

A group of the UK fans have gotten together; alexisjane, fanspired, sasha_dragon, dizzojay and jj1564, along with Kiwi, wings128, who wants us to be able to have our DVD's, and have set up a petition to 'hand over' to the WB.

Click on the link below and it will take you to the petition site.

Also if you could spread the word that would be great.

supernatural, fandom, spread the word, supernatural petition

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