SPN 10X03 So Long Farewell Blah Blah......

Oct 22, 2014 22:42


Demon Dean is gone, not that I will miss him. I didn't really enjoy the whole demon Dean thing, though it was sweet when he kicked Cole's ass.

So Sam saves Dean (yes Castiel helped at the end) BUT the episode ends with a Dean and Castiel scene?!

Yeah Carver no need for Sam and Dean to talk or anything and now the Destiel crazy's will be all over this as more PROOF.

Sam did all the work but no that's not important!! \0/

Also getting real sick of Sam and Dean scenes being interrupted for more boring angel crap and Crowley. Who Carver is really starting to put me off -__-

I'm trying to be hopeful that the next episode will have Sam/Dean talking etc and they just ended it with Dean and Castiel cause Castiel won't be round the boy's again for awhile. There is still Cole to deal with and the Mark. So fingers crossed.

And on another note Sam looked so good with the doctors outfit. So much hotter then Dr Sexy.

Also seeing them in the uniforms in next weeks episode =3

Getting to tired of the FBI suits all the time.

10x3 - In short Crowley saved Castiel, Castiel saved Sam, Sam saved Dean. Carver screwed the fans over be not having a brother moment.

fuck carver, sam winchester is better then you, sam is better then you, sam winchester, season 10, 10x03, bitter sam fan, sam and dean

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