Supernatural Season 9x23 Final

May 21, 2014 20:08

Pretty much what I thought of the final. (Dean fan's beware)

* Where's Sam?

* Or Metatron isn't dead for some dumb reason.

* Gadreel dies zzzzzzzzzzzz

* No really where's Sam?

* Castiel's is still the only person to lead Haven even though he fuck's up everything he's still the best choice?!

* Angel storyline/Castiel dragged out for another year!!! \0/

* I think I just Saw Sam!!!

* No sorry from Dean oh well!!

* "I'm proud of us" WTF proud of what Dean please tell us more?

* Dean's dead but I'm more upset for Sam cause Dean's been a dick this season so I don't care!!

* Oh Sam left the room something interesting is going to happen then.

* Dean's a demon (was anyone shocked?) and Sam's in the other room, sound's about right.

* Destiel still isn't canon!!! =3

So to recap the writers don't give a fuck about the brothers bond which is the point of the fucking show. Sam's not allowed to be in a episode for more then 10 mins cause Jared as kids or something. Dean is fucking dying BUT still no sorry to Sam or redemption need cause it's Dean and he doesn't need to say sorry.

More angels!!!! Yeah for 6 years of angels guy's!!!

Fuck Carver, fuck his shit eating writers. They are wrecking my show

episode review, carver sucks, 9x23 review, 9th season, supernatural, (episode review), spn, spoilers, season 9, sam and dean

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