SPN: 9x09 Holy Terror Review

Dec 06, 2013 20:53

This is a few days late but because of the awful weather here we have been having power cut's etc. Everything finally seems to be working again.

This mid-season final was a million times better then last years. Amelia?! Who's Amelia?! La La I can't hear you.

Anyway...the whole Angel vs Angel thing doesn't interest me at all. Chuck come back and sort your kids out. I'm hoping the writers don't focus on this too much, so done with angels it's unreal.

I actual liked Castiel in this episode!! Though I did cringe when Castiel said "“Cas is back in town” and at the praying scene. The scene with him and Sam was adorable and funny. See writers we can have Sam/Castiel scene's when you try that is, not holding my breath for anymore. Also talking his way outta the handcuff's and then getting the other angel's grace was awesome. THIS is the Castiel I like, the bad ass Castiel we first saw in season 4. Not the oh no I can't use a toothbrush how funny or oops Castiel is human AGAIN how will he cope...again.

Zeke not actual being Zeke (moment of silence for the real Zeke.) but actual an angel called Gadriel (I swear for a second I thought Metatron was going to say Gabriel.) now that was a nice twist. I wonder though why did Gadriel answer Dean's pray in the first place?! Did he just want to prove to the other angels he was good or what?

Kevin's death wasn't such a surprise to me after seeing the promo, I knew ZekeSam was going to do something bad. Dean was in the shot so of course it wasn't him, so that left Castiel or Kevin. Misha is a regular this year and it's only episode 9 so I knew he was safe, so that only left Kevin. Still his death was brutal and even though he wasn't one of my fav side character's (he was kinda whiny at times.) I'm going to miss him and wish he had a happier ending. Hope Kevin and his mum are in heaven together. Yes Crowley said she was alive but he doesn't always tell the truth.

Loved Dean's speech when he was telling "Sam" about the whole Zeke thing "No more Birthday's, dust to dust. Well that messed me up." If we get that again when Sam is back to him self I will be happy.

I knew something wasn't right with Sam when Dean took him to the stockroom (again great work Jared.) and then when he hit Dean I was like that's not Sammy. Sam as only hit Dean when he's not himself. Dean is the one to lash out not Sam. When GadSam walked up to Kevin, I was freaking out. He was just so sinister and poor Kevin didn't have a clue. ;A;

So GadSam is going to help Metatron to make a better heaven. My first thought was it didn't take long for Metatron to get bored did it?

All in all great episode, look forward to the next. Please don't let Crowley mess with the boy's.

Jared once again doing a fantastic job playing not only Sam, Sam/Zeke and Sam/Gadriel who's also letting on to be Sam/Zeke!! XD

+ Jared looking fine, he's getting better with age *-*
+ Jared's amazing acting
+ Badass Castiel
+ Sam/Castiel moment
+ Zeke is actual Gadriel
+ Sam/Dean's sort of scene together


- Kevin's Death
- Waiting till January for the next episode
- Angels vs Angels....zzzzzz

episode review, review, epiosde review, holy terror review, zeke, kevin, gadriel, ezekielsam, 9x09, sam, spn feelings, sam and dean, ezekiel

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