Supernatural Meme

Apr 10, 2012 23:50

Jessm78 gave me the idea!! ^_^

1. Deangirl or Samgirl?
Samgirl all the way (always have been always will be.)

2. Casgirl, yes or no?
Cas for me will always be a like/Hate thing. (I'm pretty meh about him if I'm honest.)

3. Favorite season?
Season 2 but 1 is a close 2nd

4. Favorite epidsode(s) from your favorite season?
Croatoan, Tall Tales, Heart, Born Under A Bad Sign, All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 1 and 2)

5. Season you're most likely to re-watch?
1 and 2

6. Season you hate the most?
Season 6 (Lisa/Ben, too much Cas, no Sam for 11 eps!!!.)

7. Favorite episode of the current season?
Repo Man

8. Least favorite episode from the current season?
Party on, Garth. >=/

9. Favorite angel?
Lucifer (he counts right?)

10. Least favorite angel?
Anna (bitch killed Sam!!)

11. Favorite demon?
YED and Ruby (both Ruby's)

12. Least favorite demon?
New Meg

13. Favorite one-episode character?

14. Sam's hair looked best in which season?
Sam's hair always look's awesome but my fav is season 3

15. If the show would have ended the way Kripke wanted it to, with Sam and Dean battling each other and jumping into the hole together (and God might show mercy on them, idk), would you have preferred that?
No!!! ;A;

16. Best cast character throughout the whole show?
Jared and Jensen as Sam and Dean of course

17. Do you think Chuck is God?
I used to but now I think he's a prophet

18. Who's a hotter psychic, Patrica Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt or Sam?
Sam!! <3

19. Freedom or Peace?

20. Dimples, freckles, eye-crinkles, bowlegs, bangs, woobie frowns or jaw clinches?
Dimples and bangs ^3^

21. Favorite kind of monster?
Demons (I miss them)

22. Weapon of choice?
The Colt

23. Favorite death?
Sam's first death (I was crying like a baby, just so heart breaking)

24. Favorite minor character's death?
Ellen and Jo

25. Pre-apocalyptic, apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic?
Pre and post apocalyptic

26. Scariest episode?

27. Best song that mattered for a scene? (you can't choose Carry on Wayward Son)
I'm going to say Heat of the moment in Mystery Spot (cause I can't think of anything else)

28. Best and worst young versions of characters?
Colin Ford for the Best and Brock Kelly for the worst

29. Characters I ship like crazy?
Sam and Dean (soul mates enough said =P)

30. Favorite female character?

31. Best and worst season intro and finale?
Best - opening of season 5 and finale
Worst - opening and finale of season 6

I would love to know what your answers are!! "hint" "hint" =3

meme, supernatural meme

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