SPN: 7x10 Death's Door Review

Dec 06, 2011 22:48

OK really late but you know better late then never!!! >.<;;;

Bobby!! ;A;

The writers know how to break our heart's!! I'm honestly still in shock. But I'm still hopeful, I mean we really didn't see what happened to Bobby at the end and this is Supernatural ANYTHING could happen.

Sadly we have to wait 6 weeks to find out what as happened. =(

The episode was brillent and IF Bobby is really not coming back, I think this was a fantastic way for him to go and so heart breaking.
I mean that Reaper was right Bobby as done so much and he deserves to get some happiness.

And that ending scene with Bobby and one of his memories of the boy's was so sweet. Also great seeing Rufus again too.

This hellatus is going to be a nightmare!! The promo looked good but too short damn it!!!

+ Rufus
+ Sweet scenes with Bobby and Boy's
+ Awesome Bobby


- having to wait to see what happens to Bobby!!
- Hellatus

rufus, review, spn season 7, jensen, death's door, tv, welcome, 7x10, season, jared padalecki, supernatural, sam, spn, dean, bobby

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