SPN: 7x07 The Mentalists Review

Nov 05, 2011 13:46

Hi guy's just a quick review of the newest episode.

Another really enjoyable episode, Like how it was set in Lily Dale. Also the last couple of episodes have had a real season 1&2 feel to it which I'm loving so much!!

knew the boy's wouldn't be apart for long, just hate seeing them off with each other. ;A;

Liked the girl they were helping and the twist with the ghost and the shop keeper too.

ELLEN!!! That was such a nice little surprise and so like Ellen to say she would kick Dean's butt. XD

Also all the Sam/Dean fanservice was pretty sweet. Made a nice change from all the Cas/Dean in season 6 (sorry Destiel fans) but seriously love how the writers add stuff in for the fan's but it's like in season 6 Dean/Cas can't have a scene without it. And when you don't like Destiel it just get's old. -__-

Was annoyed with the ending though. Don't get me wrong so glad the boy's made up and just hoping Dean actual listened to Sam about his drinking etc. Just pissed at how easy Sam forgive Dean and SAM apologizing to Dean?! I mean come on, I love Dean but sometimes I wish Sam would punch him before forgiving him. >=/

Also just saw the promo for the next episode 7x08 Time For A Wedding!!! I can't wait. When I 1st found out one of the boy's would be the groom I was hoping it would be Sam. ^3^

Just wonder who the bride is?!

+ Sam and Dean back together
+ Sam/Dean fan-service
+ Season 1&2 feeling
+ Nice twist
+ Ellen

-+ Sam and Dean's talk at the end

- Sam apologizing to Dean
- No Bobby
- Dean calling Sam a bitch

review, sneak peek, welcome, livejournal, lucifer, sam, spn, bobby, jensen, spn season 7, tv, 7x07, the mentalists, jared padalecki, supernatural, ellen, dean

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