SPN: 7x05 Shut Up, Dr. Phil Review

Oct 22, 2011 23:50

Going to be a short review because I'm so tired. e-e

First thing's first James Marsters and Charisma Carpenter did a fantastic job. Also I was a huge Buffy fan back in the day so it was so cool seeing Spike and Cordelia together again.

Feel so bad for Dean and the guilt he's feeling about Amy etc, loved seeing Sam try and get him to talk. Was really thinking they would in the last scene. ;A;

Just hope they do soon but I doubt it.

All in all another great episode and just saw the promo for Slash Fiction and it looks awesome. Roll on next week.

+ James and Carisma
+ Working out/sweaty Sam ;)
+ Leviathan guy getting owed

+- The hearts in cupcakes, cool looking but really gross. XD

- No Bobby

review, spn season 7, jensen, 7x05, welcome, jared padalecki, shut up dr.phil, livejournal, supernatural, sam, spn, 7th season, dean

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