Babylon 5 Episode 14 Season 2

Jun 06, 2012 17:44

There All the Honor Lies is largely about ones past affecting their present, at least that's how I saw it. Two of the stories in the episode are about this. The light storyline featuring Ivanova was not, though.

Sheridan is taking lessons from Kosh. Exactly why he's taking lessons or what Kosh is teaching him isn't really covered, although I think it's leading up to him getting some answers about the Streib captivity dream and maybe even seeing what Kosh looks like under his encounter suit or a look into Kosh's ship. The lessons are rather like Mr Miyagi's teaching of Daniel in the original Karate Kid. Kosh takes Sheridan to a lower level, and instructs him to crawl into a hole where he will find one moment of perfect beauty. What Sheridan encounters is a character dressed in an orange robe. He makes the man a present of one of his command bars. Other figures dressed like that one appear and chant a medieval mass. Sheridan is left in awe of the experience, exactly what it accomplishes other than relaxing Sheridan I don't know.

The central story featuring Sheridan largely concerns his past and the Minbari view of him as Starkiller. The captain is attacked by a Minbari of the warrior caste and uses a conveniently placed pistol to defend himself, killing the attacker. There's only one witness who can corroborate Sheridan's claim that he was acting in self defence, and he's a Minbari. He lies about the incident, but this in itself causes a problem as Minbari do not lie. With the help of Lennier and Delenn, who is now treated as an outsider and a traitor by the Minbari, the witness confesses that Sheridan was being set up. I was hoping that Lennier and the witness might go toe to toe, because I've seen Lennier in action and he's got skillz. I believe Sheridan's appointed military lawyer was played by the same actress who is normally under the Na'Toth makeup.

Londo finds Vir trying to drink himself into oblivion. The bumbling attache confesses that his family consider him a failure and he was only assigned Londo, because at the time Londo was viewed as a joke by the Centauri. Now that Londo is both powerful and successful he'll be getting a better attache and Vir will have to return to his family as a failure. In one of his few decent moments this season Londo insists that Vir remain as his attache and even talks him up to his demanding family.

Ivanova's story is again the funny one. Babylon 5 is being merchandised, apparently the bean counters have decided that they can make over 2 million credits by doing this. I'm convinced that Sheridan promoted Ivanova to commander so that he could delegate all these crappy jobs to her. She gets her own back by purchasing a John Sheridan teddy bear and showing it to Sheridan. The incensed captain insists that the ship be wound up and shipped off station. Then he spaces the teddy bear!

Talia Watch: I actually saw her briefly in a marketplace scene, but she didn't say anything. Lost opportunity.

teddy bears, past, legal

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