donghae, you're turning 23 this year! 8DD/ oh man, you are oh so popular in america. seriously. it's you, then hyukjae. hahaha ~ AND, adding to your age, is your freaking handsome level. you = ftwftwftwftwftwftwftwftw! ftw = for the win ♥ i freaking love you, hae. haha, 8DDD. UGH MAN, there is an infinite amount of things i want to say, but i can't put it into words ! and if i did, it'd probably be "aslkdj;lkajs;dlkfj;alksjdflkajsdlkfjaklsdjfjakhsfuhweu!!!!!!!@#!@!@!~kKLJASF;kljaklsdj!♥" yeah?
as in korea, hyukhae is the very popular in america too! (: hahahaha, too bad sm makes you two so far apart from each other ): anyway, you are getting older, hotter, wiser, charismatic-er, handsome-er, and FTW-er every year. plus, you get cuter by the day, baby ~! if you need someone to talk to you, or to cry on, i'm always here (: *HAHA, IF THAT WERE TO EVER HAPPEN* i've always wondered whether you've had a moustache like hyukjae, or not. or like, pimples like shindong. hahah ~ just out of curiosity!
being in super junior makes you happy, am i right? (: well, being super junior's fan makes me happy too!
i really do thank you, for many reasons.♥ i hope you have a wonderful birthday, fishy ! hopefully, you'll be able to have a free day to spend time with your friends, family, the members, and yourself. and, hopefully hyukjae will not be stingy and buy you the greatest present in the world ~ happy birthday, donghae!