Feb 18, 2005 22:25
What would you do if you got pregnant? Or for men, if you found out your girlfriend/a girl you had been intimate with, got pregnant? I think if it was me, and I got pregnant right now, I'd give myself one of two options. Realistically, I'm not sure I could deal with abortion. I mean emotionally I really don't think I could do it. Don't get me wrong, I'm definetly not anti-abortion, I'm very very pro-choice. But I just don't think I could go through with it.
So option number one would be give up the child for adoption. doiThis way I could continue on with my life without having to worry about supporting a child. Even typing it though sounds selfish. I mean, it would be my fault or my doing that the child was there in the first place, so who am I to say my time is more important than their time? Although on the other hand, there is no way I would be emotionally or physically fit to raise a child right now so it would be unfair to them to have a bad upbringing when potentially they could have a better grade life with an adoptive family. Although despite my bad timing, would being with its natural mother be better over all? Would the child come looking for me one day? I'm not sure if a) I could handle it if it didn't come looking for me or b) if it came looking for me and couldn't accept that I didn't feel fit to raise it at that time in my life? I don't think I could handle the rejection.
The other option would be to have the child and give it to my parents to raise until I was in a better situation to raise it myself. My mom has been talking about how she wants more children (not that I'm getting any ideas here), but I think they wouldn't say no if I asked them to help me out in that type of situation. I mean, just until I finished school and made some money to support myself and my child. Although I do feel if that happened, I might get caught up in my own life and never think I was ready to take full responsibility for the child. Or at least until I was married, and that might be 10+ years. Who knows.
For all the guys, how would you deal with this? Or even, what if your girlfriend had the baby or had it aborted without telling you anything at all? Would you feel relieved or angry?
Everyone feel free to comment upon what they would do, I'm interested to find out other perspectives...