My favourite Hikaru no Go fics

Aug 23, 2006 14:06


A Game For Two
by thehoyden
preview: Akira had been waiting all his life for Shindou Hikaru. [Shindou/Touya]

As You Are
by evil_skittles
preview: It's four in the morning, your parents are in China, your house is empty, and you are rudely awakened by someone at the window. Your heart pounds, your hands are sweaty, and you find yourself unable to move.

You know it's a robber- or a murderer, because what other explanation is there? You vaguely find yourself wondering what in your room can be used as some sort of self-defense, but all your brain supplies you with is the goban in the corner and you can't use that, it's a goban for heaven's sake. [Shindou/Touya]

Blind Go
by aishuu
preview: "Did it occur to you that I needed to see you? Touya - you could have been killed," Shindou said. His voice was even huskier than usual, and trembled slightly on the last word.

Akira hadn't thought about what Shindou wanted. All he had known was that he was hurting and didn't want Shindou to see that. He hadn't known Shindou would react so strongly to his disability; they were rivals, not best friends. Or they had been, until Akira lost his ability to play.

He hated to think of who Shindou's new rival would be. Possibly Ochi, since the boy was full of fierce love for the game. Or maybe it would be Yashiro, with his brilliance and daring that matched Shindou's own. He tried to keep from feeling jealous, although it was a hopeless task. He didn't want to be replaced. [Shindou/Touya]
curious? Written for blind_go, where there are many other well written HnG fics. This one happened to be my favourite of the lot: there`s wonderful characterization and development in this short story.

Capturing Hikachu
by harumi
preview: The Hikachu is a rare and shy Pokemon with the ability to run away at startling speeds that can reach up to 200 mph. [Shindou/Touya]
curious? A cute crossover fic inspired by these cute drawings by felys_sho.

by rageprufrock
preview: They've never quite grown out of their respective tempers, though Natsumi says that she can hardly believe what a child Touya can be when it comes to having fights with Shindou. And so it is unsurprisingly the intersection of these terms which leads to Shindou bursting into the Room of Profound Darkness, shaking a Go Institute official off of his arm, shouting, "What the hell are you talking about--later? His wife is in labor now." [Shindou/Touya]
curious? I lovelovelove this. Wonderful characterization and attention to detail and storyline. Well written and touching.

Just Desserts
by thehoyden
preview: Ono thought he heard Bleached-bangs mutter something that sounded like "Suck up" under his breath. Judging from the firm elbow that collided with Bleached-bangs' ribs, Pageboy thought so too. "No, no, the pleasure was mine. It's so nice to see two such...good friends enjoying my creations."[Shindou/Touya]
curious? This was a crossover with Antique Bakery, but have no worries, no previous knowledge is needed.

by marksykins
preview: The pace slowed as they entered mid-game, Shindou and Touya both considering their moves more carefully now. Touya tapped his index and middle fingers against his lips; Shindou mussed his hair when he ran his hands through it; Touya swallowed with visible movement of his Adam's Apple; Shindou fingered his stones thoughtfully as they sifted through his fingers like a waterfall; Touya pulled his long hair off his face and tucked it behind his ears; Shindou loosened his tie and undid the top button of his dress shirt.

This Isn't The Freakin' Heian Era
by mousapelli
preview: "What's the matter with you?" Shindou demands, snapping Akira out of his daze. His eyes focus on the goban, and he stares at the white stone that is in a ridiculously bad position. Not because he has some genius tactic planned for twenty moves later when he will snap down a stone with a victorious pa-CHING and all will become clear, which is what would happen if Shindou had made a move like that. Instead, it's because he was thinking of the girl his mother invited over to dinner last night. [Shindou/Touya]

The Right Moves
by silverthunder
preview: Touya Akira was trying to get me to want him back.

It might even have worked… I started to get a bit alarmed at that. I was thinking a lot about Touya's eyes, and Touya's hands, and the way Touya looked when we played or when he smiled. It wouldn't have even bothered me; I'd probably disregard it until it got worse and Touya took over my entire brain! And then it'd be too late, and I'd end up making out with him in the bathroom at the Go Salon with the trash can leaned up against the door and his hands groping at my -

Gah! He's winning already! Stop! [Shindou/Touya]
Curious?: Found this through aishuu rec journal. Shindou's narrative is very amusing and it's fun to read through from his self denial to acceptance of the truth. Oh, and there's a yummy first time lemon!

The Rumor Mill
by harukami
preview: All things considered, the interviews were the easiest part of being a pro Go player. Hikaru had thought it would be the hardest part, but after the first few he found himself just relaxing and answering with cheerful honesty or, at least, some nice half-truths. [Shindou/Touya]
and more?: A Suitable Memorial

The Sordid Truth
by harukami
preview: "We can play when this is done!" Hikaru's grin seemed to somehow become more wicked. "Come on, answer the question - what do you masturbate to?" [Shindou/Touya]

curious? Tee hee hee.
and more!?: More Truths, Still Sordid

Two Hands (But Not of Go)
by thehoyden
preview: Shindou was still talking, but Touya had tuned him out. Because while it wasn't unusual for boys to hold hands, it was certainly the first time any boy his age had held Touya's hand. Touya had grown up among adults, and had never called anyone his own age his friend. [Shindou/Touya]

When He Sees It
by thehoyden
preview: Hikaru has spent years watching Touya's hands and Touya's eyes. Touya's fingers look like a pianist's now, long and deft. Hikaru might be tempted to say that Touya's eyes have never changed, but now that he thinks about it, that's not true - there's a softness there sometimes, a fondness that wasn't there when they were younger. [Shindou/Touya]
curious? Can anyone see a reoccuring theme? I love all of thehoyden's fics.


Burning Brightly
by Aishuu
preview: It took Shinoda a moment longer to make his decision, but it was inevitable. The Go world needed to be shaken up, and Shindou would be the one to do it. He nodded slowly, feeling like he was being swept away by a current he couldn't control. "Come in starting next month," he said. "Get your mother, and I'll let you know about the details." [AU, Shindou/Touya?, ongoing]
curious? Probably my favourite HnG piece at the moment. Beautifully written like all of Aishuu's works are.

Chasing A Shadow
by Cienna/cienna
Summary: Touya, wait!" His hand reached out to catch the edge of Touya's sleeve, but just as he touched it Touya turned and seemed to lose his balance. Hikaru barely had a moment to catch him before he fell. He gave a small gasp as he felt Touya's body pressed against his, Touya's warm breath against his neck, his dark hair brushing Hikaru's cheek. He held Touya gently to keep him from collapsing to the floor. Hikaru brushed his hand to Touya's forehead, registering the heat there and the fact that he must have a fever. Maybe that explained why Touya was acting completely irrational. [Touya/Shindou, ongoing]
curious? It's got fluff, I have to say, but it's not overly so. I like the way the author brings the two boys together--though at times, it's almost borderlining OOC-ness. Still, read this if you like the Shindou/Touya dynamic.

Conversations over a Go Board
by Kim Smuga
preview: Unlike Hikaru, who seemed almost like a separate person when he wasn’t playing or talking about go, Touya never lost his calculating look. The difference was in the intensity. The steely look that had been in his eyes when he placed his last move was gone, but that didn’t mean they were now dulled or distracted. Akari sensed he was still evaluating, still judging the strengths of his opponent. Obviously his mind was still very much on Hikaru and their game. [one-sided love TouyaShindou, completed]
curious? Finally! An in character Touya and Shindou. Both boys are characterized in a way that will leave you satisfied. And don't let the one-sided love get you down either, this author has a sequel (see below) that will lift your spirits. ;D
and more? End Game

by Dragostella
preview: The day I became a 9-dan, my father died of a heart attack. I wasn't there when he died. I was told later that his last words were for me. [ShindouTouya, complete]
curious? I like this, it's very poetic with some interesting diction here and there...but I'm not sure how much I like the shortness of this author's writing style. It's very crisp and straight to the point. Though, the detail is behind the words and usually don't need any clarification. It's a nice fic though, good characterization which is always important.

Wish We Never Met
by Klitch/caffeine_buzz
preview: I’m not waiting for him, Akira told himself firmly. Certainly not. Wait for Shindou? How absurd. It’s simply that I don’t have anything else of importance to do right now. As long as I’m here, I may as well recreate a few games and practice my Go. If Shindou shows up, then it’s just as well; I’ll have someone to play against. But I am most definitely not waiting for him to show up. And I certainly don’t care that he’s nearly an hour late. [Touya/Shindou, ongoing]

favourites, hikaru/akira, hikaru no go

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