from inkpots to you ;p

Sep 27, 2005 13:18

i got tagged
(actually i already did it in eyen's site but since its exp downtime or my line just sucks so i can't remember)

Seven things you plan to do before you die:

1. tell sum ppl 'serves u fucking right' to their face

Being tagged:-

Seven things you plan to do before you die:

1. like inks-y, i wanna be truly happy but to be truly happy means i should be right
about dead.
2. do some daredevil stint - sky diving or drifting (not even the stupid fake ones..)
3. break a bottle of the big heineken bottle over some ppl's head. (just like the movies where they dun really die..just bleed a little,
get up and continue walking)
4. graduate
5. dj one day with one of my mates...
6. send my parents off on a world tour so they won't be around for 3 months to nag me about coming home for dinner on time.
7. do something worthwhile with my life

actually..there's not much i want to do before i this point in time..considering the mood i am in...

Seven things I could do:

1. study for finals which is around in 3 weeks time..then i will no longer be freshmen -_-"
2. cancel my trip back so i can grow mouldy in nz but make money at the same time.
3. straighten somethings out with this person and get to the bottom of something
4. like inks, i could tell lesser lies..but lying is good...less explaining.
5. i could..ring up a few ppl and clear somethings up i don't really want to cos that's not my style. to be misunderstood seems...part of
it for a very very long time.
6. take sum pills and go to sleep.(stupid pillow)
7. cook lasagna

Seven celebrity crushes:
(in no particular order)

1. jessica alba (sin city)
2. Bi/Rain
3. maggie Q
4. Kim song su
5. edison chen
6. ma tak chung
7. brad pitt (only in fight club)

Seven often-repeated words:
1) cb
2) eh
3) sohai
4) diu + sometimes various words
5) lan ci
6) friend
7) concha

Seven physical traits I look for in the opposite sex:
(in no particular order)
1) Taller than me
2) hot body like 비
3) sexay voice (MUAHAH like 비) - low/deep lar…jung zhi not high pitched lar!
4) got meat a bit XD and not stick ><” <-must
5) sexayfied hair style
6) big eyes
7) clean + short nails <-must
*the rest are often optional…

Seven tags go to:
1. sibling ala star wars nut cos u r too free edi...
2. Yawning Penis (cos i've never tag him before)
3. eyen and mell are out since inks already tagged them so i tag my little mistress ;p
4. firealexandria ( cos i ran out of ppl to tag
5. yi liang ( cos i ran out of ppl to tag
6. mistress naoko cos i know she likes these random stuff ( i think )
7. hyper raider cos u ask me to join google talk but u never even gone on once that i can see..heh lj is really lame...
most ppl are usually dormant ZZZZzz or have already been tagged...
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