(no subject)

Dec 01, 2003 01:10

For all of you people who know Abby..

Current Bet.. to get in on...

$3 to join the pot, guess the day abby and chris will break up.

Rules: No guesses on same day as someone else
All abby-chris knowledge will be posted here
No changing bets
Person with closest bet (before-after-same day) wins
You are allowed to bet on more than one day, each day = $3
(ex. 31 days (month of march) x $3 = $93)

If 2 people are the same amount of days away from "the" day,
they split their half (ex. apr.14 and apr. 16, "the" day is apr. 15
and total pot is $60, each person gets 15 with 30 going to house for party.)

Winner gets 1/ 2 of pot the other half will fund the party here @ the house right before finals week sometime.

Available dates are 12/1/03 - 4/30/04

Comeon Gamblers, lets get this started. If you want in on it (and pass the word to all with the knowledge that ABBY does not know about this poll). Money goes to me, put in locked box so only 1 person has access and dates will go on my calendar.

IM me to get in on this or comment.
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