I went again for the 2nd time! I was so proud of myself for taking initative to go and excersise. I went to the Nubody's gym here in Bedford and did cardio training for 25 minutes. I saw some guys my age that were checking me out (probably cause i was the only girl their age, haha) I felt so self concious, they were an mscular but lean, and here's me, flabby! It was embarrassing trying to find some weights to excersize my arms. All the guys took the good weights! There where so many foreign machines that I had no idea how to use. At one point one guy started watching me prowl around the equipment, so I told myself to just pick one so he would look away. in the end I started excersizing my legs again. i only managed 5 minutes on weights cause my legs were just so sore from the cardio burn! I hope he didn't see me, haha I practacly tiptoed out of the gym. The Nubody's in Parklane is much prettier though, but this one is not too bad, they have really nice studio's.
I had an interesting coversation with some of my friends, haha, I think their hinting to me that i tell too much in my journal. However i was rudely inturupted before i could defend my rights, so here it is: FUCK YOUR LACK OF RESPECT! No Im just kidding, actually I used to write a lot of information about myself cause I wanted to record data especially vital to after surgery (incase complications occured) sue me for being responsable! In case you haven't notived, less has been recorded about my personal body functions 9actually, nothing has been recorded about it, so nyah! nyah!). Ok now I feel better!
However I have composed a new list that I am starting! I have appropriatly called it the 'Fuck' list. Here it goes:
Top 3 'Fuck' List:
- Fuck School! This statement includes unnecissary homework that is litterally hazardas to my health. I lose sleep because of homework, I lose social time cause of homework, and I lose my mind over homwork! So fuck you! I don't need you! Get the hell out of my life!
- Fuck Gossip! If I haven't learned once, I have learned it a million times, gossip gets you no where! You won't make friends because you know someones little embarrassing story, or something severly personal about them that they intrusted you with. That information is bullshit for conversation, it is a pathetic conversation filler that shows just a how bored you are with your own life that you need to talk about someone else. My new regime is to not talk about ANYONE behind their backs (unless with in reason) if its about bad mouthing (for something stupid) or sharing dirty secrets or anything of the kind is not worth my time!
- Fuck the Fresco! Ok, in the beginning of the year I was excited for the frsco, but now, I am not pleased with it at all. It is a sespool of disease and bacteria, no one throws out their fucking garbage!! I can't stand it when i see someone aim for the garbage can with their trash and miss! Hello, go pick it up (I witnessed 3 people do that today!) will it kill you to keep the damn room clean? I'd clean it myself, except so much of the mess is also books and papers beloning to other students. At first I was mad at Carla and Emily for throwing out the majority of our magazines, but now I am greatful they did it. They did it cause the Fresco is in desperate need of cleaning and no one wil do it. I have half a mind to announce it, IN FRONT OF ASSEMBLY for the sole purpose of humilliating the grade 12's. However I know such a resolution will not work (its been done and failed) so I will have to speak with the little children privatly, because clearly they need to be taken care of like my little sisters. That is sad, grow a backbone, clean up after yourself, your fucking 17 for crying outloud!
Ok thats the fuck list! Basucally, its an excuse to rant about crap I put up with! And lets face it, everyone loves to read rants (don't give me honorific shit!) NOTE: this is not directed at anyone (except the grade 12's where aplicable). Most of it, if anything, was directed at myself, and my own self faults. In sociology we learn to look at things with an alien eye. Sometimes when I see myself in that sense, I realise that I am not better then everyone else. I had realised that last year, and already I am becoming less a person than I am human. Thats why I have this journal. To change my behavior in 'scoiety' and feel more accepted.