What;s my Beef?

Oct 18, 2005 14:59

What’s my Beef?

Ok basically I’m just in an annoyed mood (not at anyone, just at life). I recently ended my period, my sleep has been sporadic, going to sleep either at 7 or 4 in the morning only to wake up at 6:18AM on average. I’ve been eating a lot of junk food since Friday, from bread, to muffins, to cake and icecream- sometimes in one day. So I suppose all that synthetic food has finally built up in me and put me from my temporary state of happiness to crankiness. I do my best to hold it in, and help people out, but frankly I have not felt the least bit appreciated for it, for sitting with people for hours listening to them complain and let out their feelings, to listening them whine about someone. I don’t mind sitting with people, not at all, in fact I am flattered someone would trust me with such precious feelings and opinions, however I do not appreciate it when people go from talking to me and complaining, to just plain ignoring me. Um, hello! Not am I not even worthy of a ‘hello?’ Or, ‘how are you feeling?’ Or maybe a, ‘want to go for a walk?’ I don’t expect to be included in everything, and yes I can handle some ignorance, but I can handle it if its just going to go on and on. Ok that was one beef. My next Beef goes out to all of grade 12 (once again, this is general, not directed at anyone in specific, I’m just angry at the world right now)!

For the past few days Ashley and Jill have been both depressed, and even seen crying because they are both going through serious shit (keep the strength up you two! I love you!) and what do the other grade 12’s in the fresco do? Turn up the volume and turn their backs. WTF? What’s even worse, is some of them will come and stare. Not in the ‘oh my gosh let me share some sympathy’ way, but the ‘What’s a matter with you?” look. Hello! Show some respect you biatch! It really made me feel upset that our own peers would act so cold and not so much as do something to make the atmosphere less care-free (AKA that crappy rap music their always playing) to something like relaxing music, or better yet, NO MUSIC! God play something else instead of remixes of the same song!

Once again, I will repeat, I am not upset at anyone in specific, I’m just really annoyed in general from people being ignorant, and from me being anxious for food! (you try not eating for a month and see how sane you are after)

My happy thought for today: Jill and I ate French fries, fried in lard and covered in salt….OMG! It was amazing.
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