TO DO list, done

Feb 13, 2012 10:49

I had a crapload of things to do today, but I think I managed to do fairly well on that front, and it's not even 11am yet.

  • UPS Store - returned all the DVRs and TV receiver from AT&T's U-Verse package. Easy peasy.
  • CVS - got some odds and ends
  • Chase - deposited that paycheck finally
  • Whole Foods - spent that paycheck
  • Vitamin Shoppe - Snatch-smell oil for health, yum yum
  • TJ's - Butter: delicious, precious butter
  • Dry cleaning - dropped off old hangers, got some clean clothes in return. Nifty.

And now I have nothing planned at all.  What are you up to?


Yesterday was great fun, even though I was tired for most of it.  Worked the previous night (though admittedly, I was able to sneak in a few winks in anticipation for Sunday's madness), then napped for a bit. Then I woke up, ran a Tuesday-related errand and then went to a friend's/classmate's (Jam-Master J) daughter's first birthday party in Diamond Bar, which was great fun, and gawd-dAYMN, Filipinos know how to grub when they're a-partyin'!  They had not one but TWO whole roasted piggies. Another friend/classmate ('Berto) came as well, and we all had a great time even though it was quite chilly out in the park. Bouncy castles and sturdy playsets are great fun for the mentally challeneged.... just sayin'.

After that, I went to East L.A. to acquire a friend's Wii, and then drove to Downey to 'Berto's place and we played on said Wii until about 9:30pm.  I was dead tired after that.

Even though it was kind of a pain in the ass to have to go somewhere after working all night and all the preparation for the event, the amount of fun I enjoyed with the company in which I found myself truly justified the struggled motivation to get to that place. I must remember that in the future, or really, every day.
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