Here are some things that are totally cool right now and you should all get involved with;
1. Chicks who are musical and not feminists or sluts.
-Lady Sovereign (if you like British rappers)
-Kimya Dawson (if you like crazy folk singers who sing about beer and weird shit, thanks Mika)
-Regina Spektor (if you like Russian chicks who play piano and sing sad/sweet songs)
1a. British rappers in general.
2. Old musicals.
-Singing in the Rain
-An American in Paris (I bought it today finally)
-South Pacific
2a. Gene Kelly in general himself. I am so in love.
3. Fruit.
-those really light colored cherries
4. Maggie Gyllenhaal.
-Isn't she just really cute? And she has a really cute name.
5. Rubber rain boots.
6. The Flavor of Love new season.
-Best trashy TV show.
7. "Kind Lady" from DDR.
-This song is a lot of fun to listen to and to dance to. Its probably the hardest one I can get an A on.
8. Burger King's new iced coffee.
-They put chocolate syrup in it, and I'm pretty sure it's Hershey's because it tastes just like when I made chocolate milk as a kid. Its fabulous. They somehow make a good cup of coffee in general.
9. The Gap and Banana Republic outlets.
-These stores are expensive normally but their outlet counterparts are wonderful. Good clothes for cheap prices.
9a. My new shoes from the Gap outlet (they're grey canvas ballet flats and oh-so cute)
10. Bubble gum.
-When was bubble gum ever NOT awesome though?
11. Talking like you are one of the Beastie Boys from the early 90's.
-This is cool I swear I am not just covering for the fact that I am subconsciously doing this all the time.