Nine/Ten & Clara - Pride

Apr 18, 2013 19:06

Title: Pride
Author: yellow_craion
Disclaimer: yeah, yeah…
Song: Pride by Syntax
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Nine/Ten & Clara

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Storyline: Clara meets Nine, asks him for help and he does, of course. There's a connection, but he leaves in the TARDIS without her anyway. Then he regenerates and he's broken and lonely - they both are - and they stumble upon each other once more, only Clara doesn't know it's him. But she does recognize the TARDIS. They reconnect and travel together. On one of their trips, Clara is in trouble and the Doctor saves her.

Clara: Doctor!
Doctor: Blimey you can shout!
Clara: I'm looking for the Doctor. Do you know about him? The Doctor?
Doctor: Standing right here. I'm the Doctor.
Doctor: I'm on my way.

A/N 2: So, no, it's not like I'm not doing anything. The stupid muse just likes to throw me in several directions (at once, possibly, just to make it more fun) which now means I have my thesis, The World is Out There (which obviously I had to change like a thousand times already and I'm just like, 4 pages into the second chapter), oh and yeah, today I had a splendid idea for yet another fanvid. This is precisely why I have such a hard time finishing anything... *head-desk*

doctor who, fanvid

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