My new shelves fell down in the agonisingly non-metaphorical sense.
Casanova, Extras, Buffy Series 7 and the Takeshi Kitano boxset almost smashed to nonsense.
Not fun.
Co-Workers are so nice. Without batting an out of synch eyelash I wrangled someone into working a 6 day week for me and someone else into covering a shift at an awkward time.
Governor Devlin: "The celebration of Ramadan is at the centre of Islamic worship. Therefore I am pleased, in the grand
tradition of this Holy time, to bestow clemency on a prisoner. Kareem Said has been an outspoken critic of our administration,
but political differences aside, he has been an outstanding member of the prison population. Even after suffering a heart attack last year, he has
continued to work with prisoners of every race and colour, especially with the young, to instruct and guide them... to better lives. So
I hereby grant Kareem Said a full pardon, and i wish him well in his new life...."
Press: "Mr Said, how do you feel?"
Said: "How do I feel? I feel joyless. My brothers remain behind, imprisoned. I don't just mean my muslim brothers, I mean every SINGLE man who will sleep in here
Who is cut off from everything that he loves.
Cut off from his own self.
You know as word went around that the governor was gonna give somebody clemency, I saw a rift develop, as each inmate wished himself to be the one chosen. The allottment to be free became as palpable as the food that we eat. But it is a meal that I am being SERVED right now. And I am hungry. But Allah does not allow me to swallow certain things. Allah does not allow me to take scraps from the hands of a man such as this, a man who is corrupt and immoral, a man who denigrates the gift of clemency just as he violates the
principles of justice. A man that gave the order that caused the death of 8 people. So, Governor Devlin, because even the cost of freedom can be too high, I
REFUSE your pardon."
Oh, him and his words.