(no subject)

Feb 03, 2006 03:21

OK, so I'm waiting for my socks to fully dry, which in my messed up dryer takes about like a bajillion hours. Anyways, I decided, why not blog for a bajillion hours? I was sure I'd have things to say, but I guess not, because nothing is coming to my head. Well, one thing is coming to my head now, the fact that you're reading this for the sake of reading this because it's something to do that takes you away from something you actually need to do because: 1) it's easier 2) its more entertaining. Anyways, I was on myspace earlier also and I was looking at pics and I noticed manuel had a commando pic. Manuel, I am sorry, but I am so freaking traumatized. @_@ Anyways, I was looking at other pictures too, and I noticed everyone was really really stuck up. I was looking at these myspaces and was like man, this is stupid. All there people taking pics of themselves like people even care... oh wait, they do. 40 comments, sweet! Anyways, I just think its so stupid and I can't pinpoint why I think it is. Anyways, I'm not stopping for paragraphs because this is one of those stream of thought things, and streams of thoguht dont usually have paragraphs, unless they're broken streams, but mine's aren't broken. Anyways, back to the myspace thing. People take the weirdest headshots and I always find the ones where they close the restroom or bedroom door so mom doesnt see them and take's a picture of themselves the best. I can't be bitter though, I have a mysapce also, and I have headshots of myself. Haha, it's how you measure self-worth these days, you take your shirt off, take a picture of your hard abs and wait for people to call you hot and then you think to yourself, sweet, I'm hot. Afterwards, you take more pictures so you can get more comments. Anyways, I like the emo ones too, like the ones where people wear all that "rocker" (is that what they call it?) stuff. Well, in actuality, it's bondage wear. Just a little fact in case you're looking to dress like one. I'm just ranting on and on about nothing, and I bet half of you are pissed off at me for ranting, but glad you're reading because hey, it's pretty dang entertaining, right? And with livejournals, I realized that only a few people can pull off like journals that dont describe tehir day, or their aspirations, because well, I guess journals are for that. But anyways, When people try to get all deep in blogs, it gets all weird. I've tried before, as you can see in my other account. Anyways, my socks are done. brb. Darn, not done yet. Sweet, I get to be with Krystle the whole weekend. umm umm umm I was playing mario earlier, because I was really bored and I realized I played mario when I was like 6 or 7 also, which led me to conclude that I've probably been playing mario too long. Well, actually, I haven't played much of any mario, except supermario 3 for nes, because it kicked butt. Anyways, krystle is crazy at galaga, man, she gets so many points, its not even funny. You know what I'm craving? A whole bunch of junk food. Oh man, that sounds good right now. I need to start running again, I got sick recently and I had to stop running, hopefully, I can get back in the running psyche. sweet, my socks are done.

later days,
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