Oct 19, 2005 04:06
IT'S FOUR IN THE MORNING RIGHT NOW...AND I AM SO HYPER! You see i knew i wanted to stay up late to work on my midterms so i dranked lots and LOTS of coffee...and i feel so full of energy! I just finished my feminism paper..well not really its more or a rough draft..but thats okay because its not due till thursday..and right now im starting my sociology paper..which im actaully really nervous about...theres just so much information and the questions are crazy...and yeah. Like our professor just goes through a whole bunch of slides on powerpoint and he goes through it really fast and thats like all we do for an hour and 45 minutes...and nothing im writing is really sinking into my head cuz im just worried about copying all the words down before he goes to the next slide. And its been recommended that you go home and look over the notes for like half an hour..but i never really did that...so i'm just now learning all the information from the notes...and i seriously have like 23503282 number of notes! anyways...orleen acts really funny late at night...