Oct 11, 2005 02:38
Well, its been a while since I updated. My life has been pretty hectic
lately; just lots of studying and college stuff to do. I thought I was
going to have an easy senior year... I guess I was wrong (well, for the
first semester at least). I've been getting better at scheduling stuff,
haha. The only new people I met here are all like 23.
Pavan Dr., like a 30 second walk form my house. It's so crazy! Man, the
world sure can be a dark place sometimes.
I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do lately. I know I love
telling stories and I know I like helping people. I was thinking pretty
hard on this and a thought came up in my mind... maybe I could become a
writer. A writer that travels and advocates for other people =0 I
really don't know what I want to do. It's a hard choice. But you know
what else I realized? I'm still NOT AN ADULT YET. So trivial things
like "what do you want to do with yourself in college" can wait until
after I've spent my last free summer breathing the fresh air of
freedom. There are much more important things in my life right now than
a future career. The future Kevin can worry about his future career,
whatever that may be. Right now, I want to live and get the things I
need to get done.
In our society, it becomes too easy for us to forget how it feels to, well, take it easy. I just pray that I'm never going to forget, because nowadays, taking it easy is one of the hardest things a person can do.