Jan 20, 2002 22:59
so i met a guy!! let me start by sayign that i had the best weekend ever.. which is a first. i am so glad that i had to stay up here bc it wa the best weekend ever. friday i stayed in and ended up watching porn... yea thats right, what the hell is wrong with me. then saturday i had to go to a leadership conference all day from 8 -10, that actually ended up being fun-- tlak about interesting convo's at the dinner table. anyways that night i was tlaking to kenney, who i this boy that lives on my floor who plays the giutar and sings and who i love bc of these qualities.. and we were tlaking and i told heim about my involvment in band an dchoir, etc... and that i was learning how to play colorbliond, by counting crows- which by the way, i did learn- and he asked me if i would mindlearning how to play a song on the piano tha the was playing on the giutar.. so we can play otogether... OH YEA!!! then last night i was talking to him and i askec himt o go iceskaitng with me and he said yes. so we went and spend the whole ngiht together.. ice skating was so uch fun, we skating by each other like thwhole night.. then came back here orddered pizza and jsut talked, the two of us... well ty youwere right, it would be unexpected.. i have known him all semester and never thought anything of it. maybe with is a good sign, a new start for me.
so i ddint get up until 5 today , i have so much to do but didnt start any of it yet... that is not a good sign...
well i should be going.. i jsut wanted to let you all know what a great weekend i had.. i hoep everyone else cans a tthe same thing..
em- i love you and i am sorry that i couldnt be there for you but things happen
al- we defintly need to tlak about CA.. call me later
punks- i miss you.. call me
lauren - thanks for the reply. i am defintly goin to come visit sometime, i jstu dont know when
eveyone else- hope your finals went well, or your cars run fin e.. or your new job go well... and whatever i forgot....
lauren :)