May 22, 2004 21:29
Yes...if ANYONE knows of a piece of shit that lost MY BOYFRIEND one of the things he valued most in his life you better make youself scarce and stay in hiding for a VERY LONG TIME.
I have never seen my Andy so angry and infuriated in my entire life. YOU did this to him...if I EVER find out who you are I SWEAR I will make you feel like the lowest, most worthless piece of stinkin shit this world has ever smelled.
This pain, though not physical, is going to make you feel like you want to die. You are going to bed to be shot in your inferior skull just to be put out of your misery.
If anyone knows what or WHO I am talking about...please make every effort to hunt this mother fucker down and kick him in the mouth after he's all ready been all bloddied up. Thank You.