Channelling with Urius

Aug 02, 2014 18:37

2nd August 2014,
24A, Kauri Glen Rd, Birkenhead, Auckland
Ph No: 09 4191036

During my visit to New Zealand, my friend`s dad (Sanjay Sir ) was very kind enough to grant me an opportunity to experience something really fantastic. Sanjay sir told me that, he will introduce me to his master and I can ask anything and everything that I wanted answers for all long. My initial appointment with David Foster did not happen as his throat was not well, so Sanjay sir convinced me saying that "If it meant to happen, it will eventually happen". I had 2 more weeks of stay left in Auckland and I got a text from Sanjay Sir that David Sir is well and I can call up and get another appointment. So me and David decided to meet on 2nd August 2014 @ 2 noon.

On this pleasant Saturday, I had a breakfast at Stamford Plaza and was all set for the meeting. I took a bus to Birkenhead, I reached the stop quite early. so I stopped by at Northcote college and watched bunch of people playing league Basket ball,later I reached David Sir`s house sharp 2.

As soon as I rang the best, David walked out and received me with at most love. His place is a very beautiful house, very calm and peaceful and you will find lot of Hindu gods placed at different corners of his house. He then led me to the prayer room where channelling is done,  As I walked in to the Channelling room ; I could sense very powerful vibrations. Picture of Babaji does put a smile on your face :) There were also pictures of other masters all around the room. Another interesting thing that will catch eye was a beautiful painting of a handsome person (later I got to know that`s URIUS ). David asked me if this was my first time having a Channelling experience , I replied yes. David Sir started meditating and in few minutes URIUS was speaking through David. I bowed down to URIUS thanking the universe and all relevant people for making this happen. And I started my questions and this went on in a very detailed manner for next 2 hours, This 2 hours was like 5- 10 minutes for me. When I was finished with my questions, I felt 10 kgs lighter as I now knew what I was and why I was here. David also recorded this entire conversation and mailed it to me ( so that I can listen to it any time I want to). This is an experience I am never going to forget in my life time. If you are reading this post and have been holding bunch of questions in your head, I strongly recommend put them on paper and reach for David Sir.

I had around 40 questions on my paper, but during our sessions some questions did branch out on the fly as sub questions. What I did was ; I basically divided my Questions in to Past, Present and Future. With in Past I had questions related to very very past to recent past. It involved questions related to previous lives, my karmas, my carry forwards, purpose, gurus, till my recent experiences and changes in me. In the present I had questions on my current life, job, gifts, friends etc. In the future part I had questions related to changes in next one year, Baba, who is watching me, how can I help, questions related to my family members  etc. I was able to get direct answers , some were with very specific details with names for my questions. As we finished our session; I bowed down again to the masters who were present in the room that day and thanked them for the experience. Before I walked home David blessed me and gave me a warm hug and saw me home.

its my life

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