Aug 01, 2016 20:36
I am trying to make a comeback. I hope that I am welcome, at least a little bit. First, in my defense,of which there is little,I have had 9 of the worst past months anyone could endure. Terrble! And I don't know if it's over yet. I am alive and sort of well. My friends,I have done you a grand disservice. I hope you can forgive me. You suported me so much when I was in he hospitlal from Nov-Mar. I am so very grateful. But when i treally got tough going I figured it was all to much to unload on you all, so I stopped writing. Didn't want to be a bother. Well things have smoothed out a bit. I am ready to fill you in with all the gory details. It will take a couple sittings and I'll wait a couple days before I give you episode 1.