Sep 30, 2006 21:06
Aka, "how not to court me"
So, for the past couple weeks, I've been getting a regular stream of text messages from one of the receptionists at my school. Since then, she's also decided to join one of my English classes. She sits at the back and bats her big, long eyelashes at me.
Luckily for me, I've had the required CBT course in eyelash resistance.
So, without further ado, I present to you, my text message inbox:
August 20, at 10:00am
Thay oi! Thay thuc day chua? Cuoi tuan thay co vui kg?
-Oh teacher! Are you awake? Are you having fun this weekend?
-At this point, she had just spent a week calling me at 9am each morning. Whenever I received these calls, my canned response was, "I'm sleeping. I'll see you at school." and promptly hanging up.
August 21, at 7:45pm
Thay oi, hom nay thay ve tre ha? Em doi thay 10p ko thay Thay xuong nen ve truoc. Em muon di choi voi Thay nhjung ngai do, so phien Thay?
-oh teacher! You're going home lat tonight? I waited for you for 10 minutes, but you never left the office. I want to go out with you, but am worried about bothering you.
-The night before, a night that she wasn't supposed to work, she surprised me in the teacher's lounge after class. I was relaxing and reading some comic books, and she tried to browbeat me into taking her out for coffee. I was strong, or rather the comic books were engaging. (Damn you Naruto!)
-I responded to her by saying that "I'm very busy," which probably means that I wasn't finished reading Naruto yet.
August 21, 7:47pm
Em biet ngay ma! Thay it khi duoc ranh?
-I knew it! You are rarely free?
August 21, 7:50pm
Thoi ma, dung buc minh nua, se mau gia lam nhe! Kg ai yeu dau. Thay xem nhu co them 1 kinh nghiem!
-Come on, don't be annoyed anymore! It'll make you old. Nobody will love you. Look at is as a learning experience!
-I don't remember what I wrote to her.
August 21, 7:55pm
Thay buc minh nen noi vay thoi. Em biet Thay la nguoi hien va de thuong nhat em thich tinh cua Thay.
-You're just angry so you say that. I know that you are kind and cute and I love your personality best.
August 21, 7:59
Hihi, Thay lam gi ngac nhien vay? Thay van chua biet gi sao? Thay dung noi cho ai biet nhe!Em ngay may chi trong truong choc em.
-Hihi. Why are you so surprised? You still don't know? Don't tell anyone! I'm worried that if the other receptionsists know they'll tease me.
August 24, 6:04pm
Thay oi. Thay dang day hoc ha?
-Oh teacher. Are you teaching now?
August 24, 6:06pm
Troi! Thay ngu ban ngay de ban dem lam viec ha?
-God! You sleep during the day so you can work at night?
August 24, 7:10pm
Hinh nhu Thay kg muon bi em lam phien? Thay kg muon tam su hay chia se gi voi em? Thay cam thay kg thich em? Thay met moi? Sau nay em se kg lam phien Thay nua dau.
-I guess you don't want me to bother you? You don't want to talk or share things with me? You don't like me? Are you tired? After this I won't bother you anymore.
Of course, this isn't the end of it. This is just the first week of messages. I'm sitting in the "Press cafe" in Saigon right now, where the reporters and writers of Vietnam will dine soon. I should try to blend in and stop playing poker. :)