Chiba - MosBurger

Oct 31, 2005 12:08

Macrobiotic food states that most things are either Yin, or Yang. Things that grow above ground are Yin. Things that grow below ground are Yang. Big things are Yin. Small things are Yang. But in you meals, you need to balance everything out. The Yin of a hamburger needs to be balanced by the Yang of a milkshake. Etc.

But in practice, whenever someone says they follow a macrobiotic diet, they really mean something much more stict. Certainly no milkshakes or

hamburgers. At Brown's Field, we followed an almost Vegan sort of diet. No meat. No dairy. No Eggs. No sugar. Sometimes(rarely), a little fish, or a little seafood (think about an oz. of fish a week). Most things are cooked. And once cooked, you can't reheat it. Leftovers are always cold.

And most importantly, you eat brown rice with EVERYTHING. According to

Macrobiotic dogma, brown rice "genmai" is the perfect food. The Yin of the white rice grain is balanced perfectly by the Yang of the rice bran. They are surprised when I tell them that I like to eat brown rice in America. I tell them that it tastes good, which is true. But I don't tell them the real reason why I eat brown rice.

I enjoy the sense of accomplishment you get after a good poop while on a high fiber diet. I leave the rest to your imaginations...Yukikomosburger

For whatever reason, we get to talking about fast food, McDonald's in fact. Me and the other three volunteers, Yukiko, Sayaka and Keiya. We talk about "SuperSize Me" as only four people who've never seen the movie can. We talk about what we think the movie is about, and pooh-pah and assume that we know better. I tell them about "The Smoking Fry" segment on the DVD, as related to me by my pal Ed. They freak out a little about it, and tell me about Mos Burger.

Mos Burger stands for "world's MOSt delicious BURGER." MOS BURGER. They go all cartoony with me, and start waxing poetic about the tasty abundance of MOS BURGER. Mind you, the three of them are all Macrobiotic true believers. Unlike me, they came to Brown's Field because of Deco's books and celebrity, and are intent to learn all they can from her. They are all about the no meat, no dairy, no sugar, YinYang lifestyle.

And when I told them that I'd never eaten there before, and that I was sort of a hamburger connoiseur (which I'm not, but I talk a good game), they were very quick to organize a fact-finding, cultural sharing expedition to the local Mos Burger.

I never thought I'd see a bunch of semi-vegans get so excited about getting hamburgers.
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