Quick update!

Jul 02, 2013 15:44

Wow I can't believe I haven't updated since March, I clearly suck at lj. Whatever.

MY work this past school year kicked my ass. I'm slowly coming out of it, only to spend 6 weeks with the same students. I'm less than enthused. I love my work but these kids this year we're frigging tough. And omg then coming home to a three year old,NOT A GOOD COMBINATION AT ALL!!!!

Still not pregnant. :( No new baby news. I could tell you, I HAVE MY PERIOD. But no one wants to hear that. I'm bummed about no baby news, I'm frustrated because the traditional means while inconcsistent, aren't gettting the job done. MY husband thinks he should just keep nudging me, and that'll do the trick, ugh. At this point I feel like my options are to either for the medical root(which he isn't game for and we have the whole insurance aggrevation) OR I could try losing weight/eliminating certain foods ie soda, drink more water, eat more veggies, reduce carb intake(but that's hard and I'd rather complain and feel sorry for myself)

So I only have a job thru August 16, after that I have no committed work. The last time I was in that position I didn't get work until January, JANUARY.
On top of that we had insurance quasi through Mike's former employer. We've been paying for it, but it was done through the old office. So as of August 1, we don't have insurance figured out right now. GRrr. His current employer does not offer insurance and will not allow us to go through the office to obtain insurance. Basically it was an insurance group as mike as the sole group member of the office's insurance that we were able to get through the bar association.

I've tried going through my associations, the coverage sucks. The numbers are high obvioulsy we're going to pay more than what we've paid this year but $700 more a month is not realistic esp if I don't have income coming in. The state based insurance we make to much to qualify for. We will be able to get insurance from the 'exchanges' but I won't risk being uninsured from August through December, it's not a smart option though we are talking close to $10k.

There is an option but please keep it off fb as we're just kinda exploring this option. My daughter's school which is a small preschool. The director/head teacher, who was Nechama's teacher this past year asked me in the beginning of May would I be interested in teaching in that classroom for the afternoons. Basically the pay would suck I'm used to making somewhere between $42-50 an hour. I'd more likely be compensated mostly in tuition, which isn't THAT expensive in perspective of my expenses.

I spoke briefly to the director yesterday morning when I droppped off for camp. I told her I was interested but I NEEDED to work out insurance. Basically I want their help in finding insurance that I qualify for. As I said the state stuff we make to much for on paper.  There is insurance affiliated through the National organization that the preschool is affiliated with, that doesn't have income requirements. Which may not be the BEST insurance but could potentially be coverage. I'm basicalllooking at taking an afternoon position where I won't get a paycheck at the end fo the month, I probably will be giving money towards the insurance or money towards discounted tuition(however it works out). It would leave me able if work came in to have some additional money in the morning. The benefit of that would be, when the state exchanges are set up, we then iyh would qualify for the subsidy or insurance rebate or whatever they're calling it bcuz we'd fall under the income level for 2014.
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