Life Stress

Nov 19, 2012 12:54


my husband came home and said that his boss said pretty soon he was not going to be an 'employee anymore' as it's too expensive to keep him on salary.

Which basically means they would 'fire' him. He would no longer be salaried but would be like a 1099 contract employee. But that gives us no guarantee as to what they'd pay. And I'm like if they can't afford you salaried how could they afford to pay you the SAME AMOUNT as an independent contractor.


My husband tells me basicall as of Xmas he will be 'out of work.  GREAT!!! Just fucking great.

He thinks it will help us to try to get low cost health insurance. Commence the freak out. And he's looking forward to receiving unemployment. AHHH.

So now I'm just trying to push him to put a resume together and put himself out there. While his currect firm may be able to have him work on a contract basis, there are no guarantees.

And genius last nite when we discussed his resume, started listing his Super Hero Powers. I KID YOU NOT.

I'm trying not to freak out, but that is easier said than done.
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