I hate football!!

Feb 05, 2012 12:09

I think I've always had a disdain for sports, specifically any sport that makes grown men behave like monkeys and scream at a tv and throw metaphorical poop at it in disgust.

As a kid, I sort of enjoyed it, in terms of hanging out with my dad and pigging out on snack foods that my mother normally did not consider a substantial meal to call dinner.

Over time it has lost any sense of shine and glimmer. There have been times where gathering for a sporting event with friends was a nice oocurence to get together and eat or what have you.

Honestly, Mike can isolate sittting in the same room with me with the tv on. I resent that I am essentially losing my husband for the bulk of today to a stupid football game.

I think I further resent it, because Mike made me a food shopping list earlier in the week. And didn't fathom that it was a hell of a lot cheaper for me to buy dry beans vs 3 cans of beans. Then again he also was agitated that when he left beans soaking without enough water last nite, I actually cooked them in the pressure cooker. Or that I attempted to help defrost the 3+ pounds of chop meat in warm water vs in the fridge.

Notmally I can tolerate his idiosyncracies but today I have no patience for him.

married_life, kvetch, snarky, mike

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