Conclusion and Update

Dec 22, 2011 19:29
I finally heard back today, Thursday December 22, for those of you keeping track.

The original ad went up December 6 or 7. I had the interview on the 9th.

I was in the classroom for a day, ONE FREAKING DAY!! on the 14th.

I was supposed to hear back by friday which would be the 16th.

I called on Tuesday, the 20th, and was told, that they didn't know yet and the parent still had to meet the other therapist. Ugh.

So I FINALLY heard back today. Apparently, they chose someone else. boo fucking hoo.

I'm annoyed, I dislike that I've wasted about 3 weeks on this. However, I have still in the meantime been sending out my resume, and attempting to unearth work.

I'm glad to have an answer. I wish it was me, but it's not. Hopefully, now something more plentiful will come my way.

What does irritate me and irk me to no end is; I knew a week and a half ago their was paper that I needed to sign, oh LIKE A CONTRACT, but it wasn't an issue for them, and I didn't want to seem like I was going to be a 'problem' and tried to be agreeable.

So when I received the call today, I asked when the paperwork needed to be in by. you know so I could get paid. I asked if I could mail it or did I need to drop it off in person. Uh not to be a pain, but I don't really want to have to drive in to Brooklyn to drop off two pieces of paper. Admittedly, I can ALWAYS find things I NEED to do or places I NEED to shop. But I have no desire to schlep for a simple thing. Well when I asked that, I was told we'll talk after the break, as there is paperwork I need to sign.

There are papers I need to sign? ReallY?  I think I said that last week. UGH.

But I'm happy to know I can go seek out other work. As far as I know I made a positive impression, if not what can you do. Ugh. Just a touch annoyed. But I'm glad to have an answer, overall.

stress, fear, work, mundane, complicated, kvetch, money, snarky, bitchy

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