Pulling the plug

Dec 27, 2016 18:20

The recent move of LJ's core server infrastructure from California to Russia seems finally to have happened, and I'm just not comfortable sharing my deepest darkest secrets here anymore. It was mostly narcissistic wanking anyway. I've cancelled renewal of my paid features after a decade and change.

Unlike a lot of people, I'm unlikely to open a Dreamwidth account to cover for this. It feels like there's not much traffic anyway. I'm @rsybuchanan on Twitter, although I tend to be bad about following people there. I'm on G+, although I seldom check it. I'm looking for a replacement for Flickr, but I guess I'm still there for the moment.

I guess if you need me for some reason, email me.

Oh, and lest it wasn't clear: still not dead, still not king.


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