(no subject)

Jul 18, 2011 01:11

I got my black belt today (officially, these things happen at a predetermined time of the year, regardless of when you take the exam).

It was a cute and awkward moment between me and my dad when he was giving me the belt. Everyone was clapping, and I think partly it was still relief because the guy who gives the Castro-esque speeches had just stopped talking. Dad made a little joke about not knowing how old I was. I went for a kiss on the cheek and he went for a back tap and we ended up in a weird sort of uncoordinated hug. Me and dad, we really don't know how to touch when we're not hitting or throwing each other about.

I'm a bit drunk now, and I think I might have pierced an eardrum so I'm going to bed. Which is on the floor now since I traded my bed for floorspace and a healthy back. I'm also getting rid of a lot of clothes and shoes. I feel so austere. But my back is much better now, my arms don't go numb the moment I lie down, and my bedroom is bigger than the living room when I roll up the rugs and blankets I sleep on, so I guess there's something to be said for austerity.
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