Jan 20, 2011 01:29
Nevertheless, if sometimes children are born from intercourse with demons, this is not because of the semen emitted by them, or from the bodies they have assumed, but through the semen taken from some man for this purpose, seeing that the same demon who acts as a succubus for a man becomes an incubus for a woman. Thomas Aquinas (1225-74), Summa Theologica
I'm two days late with this assignment and I don't even care any more. You get into this shit, and before you know it you're trying to figure out the origin of evil and thinking, I really should have started on this earlier. Like, 2000 years earlier.
Dinner conversations with my family are never normal:
Me: "...I've also been doing some pretty intense Bible reading."
Dad: "Are you reading it in Greek?"
Me: "I would, but I've never had Greek lessons. I'm reading the Latin version alongside the Roman Catholic translation and the King James for comparison."
Dad: "The Latin is a translation. You should be reading it in Greek."
Me: "I know, and I would, but I don't know Greek."
Dad: "It's koiné Greek, it's pretty simple."
Me: "I know it is. I still can't read it. Because I never learned Greek."
Dad: "I want to read the Mahabharata but only when I've had time to learn Sanskrit."
Me: "That might take a while."
Dad: "I watched the tv version. I liked it because it was in Hindi."
Me: "And you understood it because it was subtitled in English."
Dad: "Well, yes."
Later, my mum calls me and gives me a hard time because classes don't start until two weeks from now, and it's too long with no work to do. Which, she has a point, I have nothing to do because I dropped most of my classes this semester. I still can't do anything about when classes start. I mean, I can go there and demand to be taught something, but I don't think that'll make classes start earlier.
...and they wonder why I'm so fucking weird.