(no subject)

Nov 13, 2010 15:08

Sweet fuck, my shoulder-blades hurt. Either I'm about to sprout wings or that guy I lifted yesterday was heavier than he felt. Dad's fault, really. If he hadn't started riling me up the moment I set foot on the mat maybe I wouldn't have gone straight to a combination of judo with Hulk-smash when my aikido failed. No, of course I would, subtlety isn't my forte. But seriously, dad? You should have realised by now that telling me to slow down and relax all the damn time has the exact opposite result. It's getting to the point where I can't perform if you're looking at me. I know my exam is in two weeks. I'll do it, and I'll either pass or fail, that's it. It'll be a bummer if I fail, but a black belt won't make me any better or worse than I am now. So CHILL.

I had more to post but Cláudia's just up. Let's see if I can persuade her to rub something on my back. :D
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