Nobody can kick it old school like old people...

Apr 28, 2007 22:36

Since I haven't posted in a while, I guess I'll make a brief update on my life.

Spring Break 2007 was fun. Went to Florida/Atlanta/Chinatown with my two best friends. Beaches, poker, shopping and clubbing = fun. I realized I need to learn to breakdance sometime over summer.

After Spring Break was a week of school + APAC show practices. Regrettably, I was unable to master the "pop it" and "body roll" moves, but APAC show was awesome, and regardless of how out of sync and stupid I looked, I had fun. Afterwards I went to Gingers with Deanna, Mandii, Althea, Kristen and Andy, which was fun despite my spicy bubble tea. There I also saw Deanna's prom dress version 2.0 and it looks great! ^_^

Lets see that takes me to this past week. Well I got my report card back, and it had my first high school B on it. Woohoo! For those interested I got it in Advanced Composition B, where my first teacher was an online sexual predator, my second was a fresh out of college 23-year old, and my third was a retired teacher. All 3rd quarter I only got one graded assignment back, which was a B/B- (it still confuses me) from my 1st teacher. After the marking period ended we got another assignment back, which I again received a B-. We're allowed rewrites, but the marking period was over. Only two kids have A's in my class, but my teacher said not to worry about grades because we've had so many different teachers who probably all taught the class different material, and that none of our assignments were written for her, so we didn't know what she wanted. It's all true and my parents actually accepted my/my teacher's excuses, but I'm still distrought over my imperfection. Oh wait, senioritus kicks in and I no longer give a damn. >_<

Oh yeah last week I ordered my tux and corsage. Fun stuff...thanks Althea for helping me out! Next Friday will be one heck of a night...

Yesterday I worked at the Fiegel Fun Fair. That was surprisingly fun, and it's so adorable how the little kids try to putt-putt golf. They get so excited when they make a hole-in-one!Anyway, this little kid tried to swindle me into giving him a free big prize (one of those wooden, bendable snakes). He even resorted to blackmail and theft...but I stood my ground and caught his little ass. Maybe if he had been a little nicer...but man that kid was a PUNK! >_<

Today was SENIOR PROM! Haha well not my prom, but it was Senior CITIZEN Prom at Waltonwood. Considering it was my last Canton Congress event and it was labeled as "mandatory," I figured I should go. Wow was it fun. A lot of the old people just sat at the tables and listened to the oldies, but the ones on the dance could they move for seniors! One of the ladies I danced with was 92 years old, but man could she move. Haha. Of course, I can't dance, but the ladies didn't care; they're so carefree, I love it! Case in point: the macarina (sp?) played, and the lady I was with didn't know the moves. But she didn't care--she just shook her thing like she was 40! Haha I need to loosen up like that and stop worrying what others think. But like, their radiant smiles made ME feel good; so good, in fact, that I decided to make an LJ post.

My only regret is that I couldn't have said something better-sounding and smarter to the journalist. >_<

Anyway, I think that's most of what happened since my last post. Coming up next: shitload of school projects due Monday, SENIOR PROM Friday(the real one this time lol), AP tests the 2 weeks after, Relay for Life the weekend after APs, and Physics Cedar Point trip the Monday after APs. By that time I'll be a couple of weeks away from graduation. SOOOOO CLOOOOOOOOSE!!!
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